Some common reasons your calculated income may be higher than you expected are listed below. For specific information regarding your Income Eligibility Application, please contact our office at 800.762.7077.
If you submitted using your 1040 Tax Form via the Express Route – when we review income on a 1040, we are looking for your total gross income, not your adjusted gross income that is shown in line 7b, total income, or line 8b, your adjusted gross income. To do that – we count all losses as zeros and any non-taxable income. For example: if you receive Social Security benefits, Pensions, or IRAs we will take the non-taxable income total listed in lines 4a, 4c or 5a and not the taxable income total listed in lines 4b, 4d or 5b.
If you submitted income documentation via the Non-Express Route we again are looking for your total gross income. When reviewing wages, we will count your gross wages, not your net wages after taxes.
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